n a city known for its division...
What if North and South city residents stopped saying they†and started saying we�
What could this city look like if we joined together to authentically follow Jesus and serve our city?
We invite you to be a part of a christ-centered, multicultural church that wants to change St Louis’ reputation as sad†and dangerous†to one that is full of life, connection and hope.
MiddleTree is a play on two themes...
1) They hanged Jesus on a tree. "Here they crucified him, and with him two others--one on each side and Jesus in the Middle." Jn 19:18
2) St Louis is a divided city. The "vision" is to bridge the "divide".
What would communicate the love of God louder to a racially, socio-economically divided city than a church that truly unites the community that surrounds it? MiddleTree is a display of life among the division.
We want to see lives changed through increasing devotion to Jesus.
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