St Peters Evangelical United Church of Christ

St. Peter's Evangelical Church is part of the Christian Community of faith that seeks to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, giving honor to God and dignity to all human beings. Our heritage is deeply rooted in the United Church of Christ.

Recognizing that Christian worship is expressed in a variety of ways, we offer worship experiences in both the traditional and contemporary styles. As its name implies, worship at the traditional service follows a liturgical order of worship that has evolved in Protestant churches over the centuries. Hymns are sung to the accompaniment of an organ and a choir. The contemporary service is less formal. Music is provided by our Celebration and Praise Band and it leads worshipers in singing more modern music. The Pastor delivers the same message at both services. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, as well as other special Holy Days. We practice Open Communion at St. Peter's, inviting all baptized believers to share in Christ's presence at the table.

The Vision of St. Peter's Church

The vision of St. Peter's is to "Invite all people into a relationship with GOD through JESUS CHRIST by nurturing them in the Christian faith, equipping them for lives of discipleship and sending them forth into the world to share CHRIST."

The Mission of St. Peter's Church

The mission of St. Peter's is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by word and deed through providing meaningful worship experiences, delivering effective mission outreach, shepherding families and friends, providing primary groups of caring and sharing, offering spiritual life and education opportunities, and continually seeking to grow in God's grace, understanding everyday life in light of the Christian faith.
March 1 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Wurstmarkt (Sausage Dinner)
March 16 7:00 PM Lord's Supper Drama
March 20 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship
Good friday Worship March 21 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
No matter who you are, or where you are on lifes journey, you are welcome here!!
Frank Proctor
Worship Ministry, Spiritual Growth Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, Stewardship Ministry,Mission Ministry, Congregational Care Ministry,Operations Ministry
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